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Free Course Tutorial- Influencer Marketing

Hey everyone this is will so this tutorial  is going to be a full out influencer marketing course this is something that a lot of people charge a lot of money for and i'm going to give out all of this information for free so definitely make sure to read the whole tutorial  i will explain how exactly do you find influencers all of the different tools you can use the different type of campaigns that you can run how do you track your conversions how you can email hundreds of influencers using automation so you don't need to do all of the work manually i will show you my exact email templates and explain why i do the things the way i do them i will show you how much you need to pay influencers how you calculate your return on investment and a lot of different get its and tips and all of that so definitely there's going to be a lot and a lot of value once you read this tutorial  i promise you are going to know everything there is about influencer marketing i also do have some useful freebies on my website so check out all of the links down below in description and i also give out my instagram course to one person every single week so just leave a comment and press thumbs up on this tutorial  to enter the competition now let's jump straight into the tutorial  alright so really quick i just want to explain the importance of influencer marketing because a lot of people don't really think that you can perhaps make that much money using influencers but if we actually look at the numbers first of all the first statistic one dollar spent on influencer marketing on average has 5.78 in return so this already tells you that if you're doing it right obviously you can make a lot of money another interesting statistic i found is if you're using bloggers as your influencers their content has

11 times better return on investment compared to banner ads so again this just shows you how much potential there is and also aside just from the monetary gains you also get user-generated content that you can reuse on your ads on your websites all of that you also create more brand authority because you have all of these influencers recommending your product so there are a lot of additional benefits and just to give you a couple quick examples if you haven't heard jim shark has recently released that they are now worth over 1 billion dollars i think 1.4 billion or something like that and their company was and still is actually mostly built on influencers they really started out just with influencers that was the main foundation and now they are obviously they're doing everything right now but still a big part of gymshark is still what they call brand ambassadors another example is movement so if you have an instagram account i'm pretty sure that you have seen some influencers promoting movement reades or now they have sunglasses as well and i think they already have some other accessories and whatnot so again this company was pretty much only using influencers obviously now they're running some ads and doing other things as well but they managed to build 100 million plus company just mostly by using influencers and the last example is snow and snow is a little bit more recent example and again they are doing facebook ads and all of that but mainly they are focusing on influencers and they again have built a company that is 100 million plus just mainly by using influencers

so hopefully this gives you a picture that you can actually build insanely big business just by using influencer marketing alright so the first thing that you really need to understand is what is a good influencer because i think this is one of the parts why a lot of people don't really seem success because they just don't really care who they're working with they just look at the numbers and they start working with an influencer and they don't really get good return on investment so when it comes to followers followers don't really mean anything honestly i would say it's a vanity metric it doesn't really matter if you have a million followers because first of all there are so many fake followers or even if they are not fake followers they might not be engaging followers they might be followers that follow that account many years ago and they don't really care about it so never really look at the amount of followers what you really need to look at is the engagement rate this is the metric that you need to care about and this is the metric that is going to tell you how much money you can make out of influencer and how much you should be paying influencers so basically how many likes how many comments influencer has and all that kind of stuff also do you keep in mind that it's not only followers that can be bought on social media platforms but all likes can be bought as well

so really a little tip what you want to do is when you're looking when you look at an account you want to see what's the ratio between likes and comments if let's say a post is getting 1000 likes but it's only getting two comments that looks a little bit fishy so the way you can figure out whether an influencer is good in terms of what i just mentioned is ask for their statistics and then in statistics you can see basically where their followers are coming from was the engagement and all of that kind of stuff so for example if you see that a lot of their engagement and a lot of their followers are coming perhaps from india or something like that where they have these engagement forms then probably they are just all bots and they're not really they're not followers that are going to purchase your products or services and lastly also look at the growth rate this is something that can also indicate whether an account is legit or not so if you see the account didn't have any followers and all of a sudden it just jumped in the following then probably those are all bought and fake followers on the other hand if you have a steady growth that is a good indication that this is probably somewhat legit account you obviously still need to look at all of the other stuff but another thing you can do is when you look at the growth if you do see that the influencer is growing really fast because some influencers they just take off and it's not going to be a steady growth it's going to be more like a hockey stick to take startup analogy so if you see that that means also that it can be a really good opportunity for you to work with that influencer because if they are at this peak state where they are about to explode and you manage to get a post for of them so let's say you might get a post from them for a hundred dollars this month and then they absolutely explode and the next month you might need to pay a thousand dollars

so if you manage to jump in before they explode you can actually make much higher return on investment a few other things that you need to take into consideration when choosing an influencer is their posting frequency so this is how many times they actually post per day or per week so for example if we go on social blade and we look at the shade room you will see that when it comes to their posting yes they do have a lot and a lot of followers and all of that but look at these numbers these are absolutely insane 1500 posts 14 basically 1500 posts in the past couple of months so that means they're posting 50 different posts per day so really if your post is being posted in the morning no way someone is going to see it if they check the shade room in the evening on the other hand if you look at something like my instagram account you will see that i actually haven't posted in two years so if you have actually i have posted a post on sofitel so as you can see this post was 2017 three years ago so actually whenever someone comes on my profile on my instagram personal instagram profile they actually see sofitel so sofitel is still actually getting some traction from uh my instagram account for three years obviously this is uh extreme example because i haven't been really using my personal account i will start using my personal instagram account again though so go follow me on instagram i do have a couple hundred pictures of all my different travels

so if you're interested of cool places to go follow me on instagram another thing to keep in mind is to actually have a look of how much sponsored content there is on an account so if someone is creating a lot of sponsored posts compared to the ratio of non-sponsored content then that might not be a good indication that it's a good account to work with because their audience might be a little bit tired of all of the content all the sponsored content being pushed to them and they might not really react that well or they might not really even have that much money to purchase anymore because they already made a lot of purchases from other sponsored posts another thing to keep in mind and this seems pretty basic but you would be surprised how many people don't take this into consideration but when you choose an influencer really one of the main factors if not the main one is you need to find someone who is relevant to your brand the more relevant that influencer is to your brand the higher amount of sales you are going to have so definitely don't just look at oh does this influencer have high engagement do they have good quality posting all of that really one of the most important metrics is how relevant it is to your brand and obviously you do want to pay attention to the quality

of the posts some influencers do really well with really rubbish quality posts and you're still going to get a lot of sales so it can definitely work with non so great quality posts but if you are doing uh these sponsorships to get some user generated content then you actually want to work with some influencers that are producing good quality content so you can reuse that content later for your other marketing means and lastly one thing that not many people consider again a lot of people just see influencer marketing as one-off thing you just do one deal and that is it but try to find some influencers with whom you can actually build a relationship and they can keep on promoting your products and if you find someone who really loves your products then they might even start promoting your products without you even needing to pay anything so again if you go back to gymshark example they have what they call their brand ambassadors and i would say that those brand ambassadors are actually the people who have built the brand i know definitely me and my friends have found out about jim shark because of the realearnr rs and instagrammers that we follow in the fitness niche all right so now let's get into how exactly do we find instagram influencers so the first thing what you need to do is you actually need to create an excel form where we are going to put in all of the information for our marketing campaign so this is the form that i like to use i will try to maybe leave a link down below so you can copy this form or just put in what you see on the screen

so the first section we have a name so we are going to use this later to make it more personal then we want to have instagram handle so basically this is the username on instagram then we have their account link we have the number of followers that they have then we have their engagement that is very important and i'll show you some tools how exactly you can find your engagement so you don't need to do all the math yourself then you have a section for their email address you can also put in a section for their phone number if you want to approach them through phone then the other important section is to have story views but this is something that actually is going to come in a little bit later once we actually contact the influencers and ask them for their statistics so if you are going to try and get some story sponsored stories then you want to know exactly how many views on average they are getting from their stories then the price again this is all of this is going to come in later but then you want to know what is the price then after that after you actually have done your campaign you can also put in how many sales that specific influencer actually generated what was your return on investment which i will explain later and what kind of content they created so this also can be if perhaps you are asking the influencer to create a specific content then you can leave a note here of what that content should include and then we have the post date so basically if you ask an influencer to post those sponsor posts on a specific date then you will put in the date here

so basically these sections at the end are all just used so you get a little bit better picture of how it was working with this influencer and perhaps later on if you want to come back to some influencers you can choose which influencer had the best return on investment and you can work with them so the most basic way that you can do this is simply by going on instagram and manually finding different influencers so in this case let's say we are using fitness niche so i found this page that's called fitness girls motivation so actually let me show you step by step how you can do this so actually if you decide to maybe hire a virtual assistant i will leave some links where you can hire virtual assistant for a very cheap price and they can do all of this for you manually and you don't need to do this yourself because it's not that complicated so the process here is let's say we found this account so first of all we want to copy their username and then we have this website called influencer marketing hub and they actually have engagement calculators so what we can do is we just put in this name here and we press enter and now you will see that they calculate the engagement rate which is 0.72 percent which is not that great they show you estimate cost per post which can be useful as well doesn't necessarily mean that these are actually good figures but perhaps it can give you a little bit of an idea so what we want to do then we go back in here we put in the handle then we want to copy the engagement rate we copy that we put that into the engagement section and then sometimes you will see

so for example here okay it's a page but in some cases you will see let's actually try to see they probably are tagging some of the users um right so let's open this person she's probably an influencer so what we can do is if you would be working with this person you can probably see her name so i would say ida is probably her name so you would copy that name and you would put that name in this section right here and again sometimes you might not have any name because it might be just a business page so as we saw with this page right here it's basically just a curation page so they don't actually have any name so then we will just leave that section blank so then we want to also copy the link of this account and see what is the amount of followrs they have so we are going to put in the link and put in 4.8 million followers and then we want to put in their email address and the way you can do this on desktop because on desktop instagram doesn't allow you to see email address so you can either go to your phone and you can see email address from there sometimes they're going to some accounts are going to have their email address in their description but if they don't have that there's a little get it so what you can do is

if you press the right button you will see there is the section view page sources so if we open that now it's going to open the code of that page that you were on so if we press command f or control f and we type in email you will see now within the code it shows you business email and this actually shows you the email address so then we can just copy this we can close this tab and go back and put in the email address and we are done with that influencer and then let's try to do the same so this is also good sometimes you will might find the names of the influencers if you're not too sure what the person's name is if you go and find your email address most of uh the email addresses people actually have their first name so again this is actually the same as i'm their instagram handle but then i'm just assuming that ida is probably the person's name so again we just copy this and put this in so i think you get the principle of how you find all of this basic information and then from there if you're doing all of this manually what you can do you can just press this little blue icon right here and it opens up all of the related accounts in this case because it's such a big account as you can see it actually just opens uh justin bieber kyle jenner and so on so it's not really related to our niche but again this is actually curation account so curation accounts are another little get it because they actually will have all of the different influencers so in this case as you can see they actually tag you as

you can see muscle sisters and then in the next pose you have uh susa zanak okay i don't know how to pronounce that i'm this is the account that we found so curation pages are actually a really good source of all of the different accounts if that applies to your specific niche it's not always going to so let's see if we are on this influencer account and we do the same thing we press the blue icon and we press see all and now you have this whole list of all of these different influencers within that niche related to that niche and usually the deeper you go the more you go to the end of the list and from here then we will do the same thing again and we're going to go to all of the related people and so on and so on and eventually you're going to start finding people with lower and lower fall follower count and then you're going to go from the really big influencers to the micro influencers another simple thing that you can do is simply in the search you type in whatever the word is

so let's say in this case we are typing in fitness and then you will see of course a lot of different related fitness accounts and you also can do this by searching for different hashtags so once again let's say we type in fitness and you might not want to go to the first one let's say we will go to i'm fitness lifestyle and if you press here usually there are going as you can see there are 12 million posts so usually the influencers are going to be on the top post but these are probably going to be pretty big influencers as well and going through these other posts doesn't really make much sense most of the time they're going to have very few followers so really we want to look at some of these people and then see from here okay so this person has only 2 000 followers so this is basically a really sort of micro micro influencer another way you can find influencers is to go on this website called search my bio so what it does is basically it looks for different keywords in the bio so again let's say we put in fitness and we press search so now it's going to find all of these accounts that have fitness within their bio it's not necessarily the best way to find and actually let's sort this by actually we can put in let's say we want from 5000 to let's say you want some micro influencers

so we went from 5000 to 10 000 let's search so now as you can see we are finding so for example something like this probably a good micro influencer here again and the cool thing here is as well that they show you as you can see how many posts that person posts per week on average so this is something that i mentioned that you need to to pay attention to and it also shows you the engagement so you don't even need to go to this other tool that i showed before you can see all of that right here and then and the only downside is that if it's a very um let's say if it's something like business then a lot of people are going to have that keyword even if they're in different niche and they're not in business niche so do you make sure that this actually makes sense but this is a good way to find some influencers and it's really nice that you can actually sort by the amount of followers there is also another tool that is called influence.co and basically they do sort of the same thing as well so if you type in fitness as you can see it opens up all of the related niches and it also even shows you that you have 43 000.6 600 um different accounts within this category and again we can choose even the location and we can choose how many uh followers they have they also have this advanced section which is really cool if you want to narrow down even further on your influencers

so as you can see they give you um you can basically put in different engagement rates you can put in if you want facebook likes you twitter followers pinterest reach so all of the different websites not just instagram you can also put in their age gender and so on and so forth and another really cool thing i like about this is that you can go on the section username and then if we put in the username they will show you this account and they will show you people who have featured this account so again this just gives you a little bit more sort of i'm different influencers that you might want to choose from so a little get it what you can do with this is you can actually put in your competitors the competitor instagram account and then you can see what influencers tagged their account and then you can contact those influencers and approach them as well so as you can see here this account actually has quite a lot of tags 2 500 tags so you could potentially connect all of these people if they are i think they want to be future because this was a curation account but most likely if they're trying to get future they are trying to basically grow followers so they're probably pretty likely to also be open for collaborations and the really cool thing i like here as well is that it shows you the rates for influencers like fitness girl motivation so it shows you on average what you can kind of expect but again these numbers are really sort of all over the place so i will show you later how we're going to calculate how much we're paying for instagram influencers but still it's a little bit of an indication of what you can kind of expect and also it shows you what are the usual engagement rates for accounts like this so again gives you a little bit better understanding of what you expect usually i would say you want to find accounts that have at least two percent engagement rate but it really depends because if you look at these creation accounts a lot of times they are going to have very very low engagement there are also

some other tools that actually cost money where you can sign up and then basically they just give you a little bit more settings on what exactly you can do and sometimes you can connect with influencers through those platforms so just to mention couple there is a platform called cloud hq and another popular one is called scope and they actually even do have a free plan where you can use it only for 15 minutes per day though so it's not that much and it's also limited in terms of what you can do but i'm not going to go into tutorials on these different tools because i know that a lot of people use different tools so it doesn't really make sense to just cover one tool and that's it okay so when you're doing your research there are a few things that you might want to keep in mind if you are outsourcing this which i highly highly suggest again i will leave some links where you can find some freelancers to do this for you for a very very cheap price this is something that i like to give to my virtual assistant just to make sure that she does everything all right first of all you need to determine what kind of language the influencer has to speak because sometimes you might only want to target people that let's say speak english or perhaps speak spanish or portuguese whatever it is another thing what you want to do is you want to perhaps have some sort of minimum engagement

so whether you have let's say two percent engagement rate as a minimum or perhaps you want to have a minimum amount of likes per post so what you do is you set that number so let's say if you're working with micro influencers you want them to have at least 200 likes per post so when you are doing this or your virtual assistant is doing this they just have to look at the last six or nine posts and if all of those posts more or less have 200 likes then you can put that person on the list if they have less then you don't put a person on the list another thing to keep in mind is that you need to specify exactly the content type and the niche so depending on your product or service you might be approaching different niches so for example you might have a niche where you have influencers that have something to do with fitness but also you might want to approach influencers that have something to do with the health and you might want to be approaching these influencers differently so you might want to create two different lists for these two groups also when it comes to content type so for example maybe you only want to work with personal accounts because they have a lot higher conversion rate or perhaps you only want to work with creation pages because the specific content piece that you have your offer your ads is going to work really well on those creation pages and not so well on personal instagram accounts because maybe it looks a little bit too much like an actual advertisement so when it comes to the actual types of influencers i would say there are three main categories so first of all you have your celebrities which i would say aren't necessarily the best return on investment but it can be a good endorsement and usually

if you want to approach celebrity it's going to be a little bit harder sometimes you need to actually contact their agents or go through an agency to actually contact them if you just dm them or send them an email they're not very likely to actually respond to that another category is authority figures so basically influencers who have a lot of authority in a specific niche so as we saw some of these fitness accounts i would say that they are authority figures within the fitness community there might be some accounts also that are really big accounts but they are more sort of general lifestyle kind of influencers so those are a little bit different from the authority figures i would say because they don't necessarily have that much influence for the specific niche and they really have more of a broad audience so you're not going to have as high of a conversion rate with them and lastly you have micro influencers which usually i would say are up to 10 000 followers but then again as you see i would always say that base everything on engagement so sometimes you might have accounts that have 100 000 followers or a million followers but they have absolutely no engagement and an influencer who has 9000 followers they have absolutely amazing engagement so really it's more to do with engagement once again rather than followers but this is sort of a general rule that micro influencers are around max 10 000 followers and influencers can really be pretty much on any platform so it might be instagram it might be realearnr  it might be tick tock it might be blogs anywhere really where someone has an audience and an influence so when it comes to authority figures they

do have a much bigger audience so if you're working with a really big influencer if you just get that one influencer you're going to reach a lot of different people and if they're really authority for that specific niche then if they recommend your product a lot of people might actually purchase that product however the benefit of working with micro influencers is that usually you can get some sort of campaign with them for a very very cheap price sometimes you might just give your product for free and in return you are going to get a shout out and when you really think about it if you are getting a recommendation for a specific product from an influencer or you're getting a recommendation from your friend most likely you are more likely to buy that product that your friend is recommending so micro influencer marketing can really work very very well especially if you are on low budget and you're just starting out so when you're working with influencer marketing you need to define what exactly are your goals from the campaign so there are a few different goals that you can pursue so the first one is just basic brand awareness so basically just brand mention so this applies mostly to the bigger companies that have the budget just to get their name out there another goal might be just to increase your own account followers through influencers then the next goal is leads so basically most of the time creating email lists or perhaps getting people to join let's say your facebook group or something like that so basically not getting the sales but rather getting

some sort of connection with that influencers audience then of course we have sales which is the most common goal so how much revenue an influencer can actually generate for your product or your service and lastly we also have user generated content so sometimes also your goal might be to actually just get a lot of user generated content so you can use that content maybe on your own accounts or your own website or use those as testimonials or use them in your ads and so on and so forth so now let's get into the different types of campaigns and there are quite a few so the first one is a special sale so basically when you're working with an influencer you are telling them to tell their audience that you are running a sale right now and most of the time you want to have some sort of scarcity so perhaps that sale is only for the next 12 hours or the next 24 hours something like that but basically whenever whether they're making a post or they're making a tutorial  they have to tell that you are running a sale right now so go and purchase and sometimes you can also include a coupon code for that specific influencer so that is a little bit more of an incentive for that audience to actually go and make a purchase the next campaign is to have product review so i think this is pretty self-explanatory you just send out your product someone does a product review for you and in return hopefully a lot of people go and purchase your product and also this is really good

if you want to use that content later on for your other marketing campaigns another very useful campaign that you can do is running contests so basically you are giving out your product or perhaps a bunch of your different products and you have certain rules how people can enter that competition so whether it is to actually go and like that post or perhaps it is to tag their friends or it could also be to go and follow your instagram account or go to sign up for your email list whatever it is basically you have some sort of action that counts as an entry what i mentioned before if you press thumbs up and you leave a comment under this tutorial  you are entering as well to get a free course for yourself so the contest can work really really well on instagram especially if you have a really good contest it can go kind of viral if you do it in the right way and also you can get a lot of new followers that are going to follow your account and all of that kind of stuff you do need to be a little bit cautious because if you are doing this on accounts that are not very targeted so they're not necessarily in your niche per se some people who are not actually interested in your brand they might want to enter the competition and they might follow your account but they don't really care about your account

so you're not going to engage with your posts and then your engagement is going to drop and that is going to hurt your account so do be careful when you do these contests if you're going to do them make sure that you are doing really this with an audience that is very specific for you and they are actually going to be engaging with your account and also what you can do you can do a group contest so what this means is you can find a few different companies that are in your niche or they're somehow related to your company and you can bundle up all of these different products so basically you're making the lottery pot a little bit bigger so if someone actually wins that they're getting a lot more than they would if you would be just giving out your products and in exchange basically it's just going to be easier for you for that post to go viral and you are going to get more followers then again this is going to divide it because then other companies are going to be getting followers as well another type of campaign is an account takeover so basically if you're working with an influencer you can ask them to take over your account let's say for one day and just create some

sort of content whether it's different posts or perhaps stories or something like that and then part of their audience if they are really interested in this influencer they are going to go over to your account to see what this influencer is doing and in that way you're going to get more engagement and more followers on your account and lastly you have shout outs so what this means is you are not pushing hard for a sale but rather than that you are just asking an influencer to give you a shout out so basically just to tag you or post a picture of you and just to mention your company and that's it okay so once you have chosen your influencers and your campaigns and all of that you need to determine what kind of call to action the influencer has to give to their audience so the first thing you can ask for is for the influencer to tag you in the post if you're talking about instagram so they can actually tag you in the picture so it's very simple for the user to find your account if not tagging then you can also just ask to put in your instagram handle in the description underneath the post you can also ask to create a specific account so again if you're doing perhaps a contest or if in general you just want to use create some sort of promotion or something like that you can create a custom hashtag and then you can ask the influencer to put that hashtag and perhaps ask their audience

to also participate and put in that hashtag and make it go viral and then other people are discovering the hashtag and through the hashtag they are discovering your company and so on and so forth you get the picture another call to action would be to put your website link in their bio so usually if they are putting some sort of post they will have call to action to go and make the purchase and they will tell go to the bio and press the link in the bio to go to make the purchase and in the bio they just have your link pretty simple and the last one is to have a link in the story so this is actually working really well so again they just post some sort of posts whether they are creating that post themselves or perhaps you are giving something to them they put in a link and then they ask people to swipe up and open and make a purchase or join email list or whatever exactly it is when it comes to audience you also need to have a specific call to action you always need to tell people what to do because people are not going to do it themselves so first of all you might ask them to follow your instagram account to grow your following again as i said you have to be a little bit cautious about this because you don't want to force people who are not interested in your account to follow you because that's going to hurt your engagement you can ask people to tag a friend this one can be very very powerful and can really make your post go viral then you can ask to leave a comment

so a comment is not going to you know increase your following necessarily are not going to give you sales but what it's going to do is first of all it might make that post go on the explore page and in general it's going to increase engagement on your account so more people are going to discover your account and then you can straight up just ask the audience to go and make a purchase and lastly you can go and ask them for something a little bit easier like signing up for an email list for some sort of freebie or something like that so that is not as much of a sale not as much of a push so you're going to have a lot more people to actually sign up for that and then you can retarget them and you can actually probably make even more money rather than just pushing people straight to make a purchase so when you're running your campaign another thing that is very very important is you actually need to track how those campaigns are performing to know if you're getting good return on investment and what one or the other influencer is actually bringing to you so a few ways how you can track your conversions first of all very very simple way and very basic way that anyone can do is you give out discount codes to influencers so then you can see right away how many times that specific discount code was used and then you can tell how many sales the influencer brought in

so this is very very basic a little bit manual but still very very simple another thing what you can do if you get an influencer to sign up for your affiliate program you can actually see on the affiliate software how many sales that influencer generated and you can see all of the different analytics the clicks and the revenue the conversions and all of that so this is actually very very useful also if you just want to see how many clicks you got from a certain account you can just use link shortener such as bitly to just see the analytics of that and also you can use google utm to actually track all of the clicks and all of that kind of stuff this is a pretty big topic and i don't want to make a whole tutorial i think that would be a little bit too much for this tutorial  but do let me know if you want me to make a tutorial about this i will make a separate tutorial  so another important thing when working with influencers is to ask for their audience demographics so in general you want to know perhaps their country or region you want to know their gender and you want to know their age so this is just basically to help you make better decisions to see how many people potentially are going to make purchases let's say if you're selling your products or services to audience based in united states in english then if someone has an audience that is mostly non-native non-english speakers then most likely you're not going to make that many sales and most of the platforms as you can see if you go on instagram a lot of them are going to have all of these different demographics and it depends on which platform you are actually working on but most of them will have at least the basic demographics okay so i realized that this tutorial  actually is very very long so i'm actually going to split it to two different parts

so there is a second part coming out so follow to my realearnr  website to make sure you don't miss out that tutorial  put on those notifications the second part i think is actually going to bring in even more value so you definitely don't want to miss it out if you find this tutorial  useful make sure to press that thumbs up button again follow to my realearnr  website stay awesome and i'll see you soon.

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