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How to Pass the Exam and Get a Transcription Job- TranscribeMe Review

 Hi everybody welcome to my website and thanks for reading my next tutorial  in my website I like to teach you different ways you can make money online so today I'm going to go over this job transcribe me.com and here you'll get paid to transcribe what you're hearing this website is recommended much more than other websites like Rev or go transcript because they pay more than anyone as they say here we have the industry's best rates with earnings starting at fifteen to twenty two dollars per audio hour and top monthly earnings at twenty two hundred but the average monthly earnings are two hundred and fifty dollars keep in mind that this is per audio hour so you're not getting paid this much money per hour of work it can typically take three times it might take you three hours to do one audio hour or two out two hours if you're really good at transcribing so let's click on join today and now we have to create a new account so let's go down here and fill in our account information enter your payment account PayPal your country and then your transcription experience and then put in the languages that you can transcribe in so you have different options because there's many many different dialects with English so North American British Irish I'm gonna put in all the different Englishes and if you speak any other languages and you're comfortable with transcribing in those languages you can put those as well and agree to the terms and conditions then click create profile you don't have to put in your Skype or your phone number it lets you go through anyways which is great now you have to register you know

It says we've sent a verification email to you click the link in the email to get started okay so I've just received this email from transcribed me and now we can click on this link to verify our email and enter the work hub okay so welcome to the transcribing work hub now that you've registered the first step is to complete the entrance exam in the language in which you wish to transcribe the English entrance exam consists of a series of questions entrance adios once you are successful in passing this exam you will join our transcription team who complete short sliced chunks ranging from a few seconds long to four minutes in length which are then reviewed by a QA ok so I'm going to scroll down here and as you can see the majority of these exams are not available but luckily the English entrance exam is available so we can go ahead and click on check exam info so it says this exam is formerly known as the English transcriber skills assessment exam please read the documents linked below carefully before attempting the exam everything you need to pass the exam is included in those two documents so we've got the TM style guide version 2 I'm going to right click and go open a new tab ok it also automatically downloads to my computer and then the English entrance exam instructions which I have as well so let's look at this first guide okay we have a 39 page guide to read this is a lot of reading this will give you first they have the index which is great it's clean verbatim is what we're doing all right so there's a lot of information to go through here and the second one the English exam exam instructions PDF there's 14 pages of this one here you can see some requirements 

You have to be 18 years of age or older all right I haven't read these through yet but I'm going to kind of read them as we're going through the exam so let's click please click this box here once complete and now we're ready to click attempt the exam ok so we have three different sections here we've got the multiple-choice sample sentences so part of this exam is being able to follow directions please make sure that you read each question carefully follow the directions below for writing your answers formatting your answer incorrectly may result in a failed attempt note that the questions will appear in random order each time you take this test and your results will be randomized on the exam results page you see upon completing the exam this means that should you fail one or more questions you will not know which questions they were you will be asked to complete three multiple-choice questions in this section pertaining to transcribe meas basic clean verbatim style this means that you will need to read and understand pages 4 to 21 of the style guide you must past each question with 100% to pass the section for multiple-choice questions where you are instructed to write a B or C please write the answer as a capital letter do not put a space or punctuation behind the letter example a B C okay okay so basically you have to type in a B C or D for which one you think is the right way to say this so once you've done that you can click Next as a tip to help you with this I just typed in you know because I don't know if they want us to include that or not and they have this listed under crutch words so they say a crutch word or phrase is an utterance that a speaker consistently uses that does not add meaning to what is being said so you know if the speaker like talks like this then you know please like remove the crutch words to make it readable okay 

So we'll remove these words and we'll click Next again okay I've just gone through the multiple choice and now we have audio a it says in total you will complete three audio clips in this exam each of which is around four minutes long these clips will come up in random order each time you take the exam and you may not receive the same audio for each attempt so it says transcribe each audio and transcribe mieze clean verbatim style using American English do not insert speaker IDs or timestamps you must complete one audio clip in this section audio a be sure to finish this audio ie complete your transcription then hit the next button to submit your results before leaving the exam to come back later okay so it says audio L please can transcribe the following audio in accordance with a basic clean verbatim style guide using American English start the file with a lowercase letter unless the word is a proper noun and do not end your file with punctuation so we're not going to be starting with a capital will we store an uppercase will be starting with a lowercase letter unless the word is I for example because that always has to be uppercase remember that our system will not save your incomplete text you must complete this audio okay so I'm going to go ahead and do that okay so once you've submitted the audio for audio one we can go ahead and do the audio test for audio section be it pretty much just follows the exact same format just make sure to listen and type in the audio right here and then once we're done that we can click Next again to go to the next section and the final section for transcribing audio is audio C so I'm going to go ahead and listen to this once again and then click Next once I finish transcribing okay 

So now I've just finished the audio C portion so I'm going to go ahead and click Next so now we have style guide questions it says part of this exam is being able to follow directions please make sure that you read each question carefully follow the directions below for writing your answers formatting your answer incorrectly may result in a failed attempt so basically there is a total of 10 different questions in this section pertaining to the transcribe nice basic clean verbatim style so you're going to have to read pages 4 to 21 of the style guide so if we go up here this is the the style guide right here so that's from pages 4 to 21 and basically they're going to ask you different questions you need to have pass all 10 questions with 100% to pass this section so if the answer is true or false write out the full word true or false in the box below make sure you capitalize the first letter and do not put any punctuation after so you have to put true/false like that for multiple-choice questions where you are instructed to write a B or C please write the answer as a capital letter do not put a space or punctuation behind the letter so just a B or C so once you put in your answer you just click Next so I've just submitted my test answers and you can see now I have my exam results and I've completely passed the test which is awesome here you have much sample sentences there were three questions and I got three out of three for the audio I had a score of 98 point nine six which is pass for the audio be ninety eight point five for audio see ninety-nine point one seven you can see here retries of mach maximum possible so there's two tries for each one

So if you need to retry that portion of the test you can just click retry and then for the style guide questions it was ten and I had ten out of ten which is awesome so now I'm just going to go ahead and click complete exam and it says congratulations you have passed the English entrance exam be sure to click the complete exam button to submit your results into our system you will hear from us within the next two to three business days for your account to be activated we greatly appreciate the time and effort you've spent preparing for and taking our exam so I've already clicked that at the bottom the complete exam so I'm going to click on back to exams and here you can see English entrance exam and it says completed on February 6 2020 so passed now when I was doing this test I started it and then I'm there was a family emergency so I was not able to complete my tests for another few weeks so you can start the one section and then for example transcribe audio a and then leave it after you save it and then come back and transcribe the other two at a different stage so there's no problem so let's say you didn't pass all the sections I'm gonna go back to past now let's say you failed one of these sections you're able to retry this and you can click on the button retry and then you would only click the complete exam once you've actually passed all of these sections so let's go over to the instructions the exam instructions so it tells you a little bit of information here about the number the maximum number of retries possible so you have two for each section it also says do not try or do not retry sections that are displayed in green or passing in an effort to get a higher percentage score overall they just want you to pass every question on the exam so don't retry ones that you've already passed so if you fail after your second attempt it says don't despair you can return to us after a 30-day period to try again the exam will then be reset and you will have two more attempts at that time now passing the exam which I did once you have passed each question of the exam within the same attempt seeing all green results you will have passed the exam so make sure you hit the complete exam button

So that your passing grade can be registered in our system so now at this stage one of our training officers will review your application it is at this point that a photo ID may be requested if one is not currently present present on your account once your application is fully processed your account will be activated within two to three business days of taking the exam so there's no waiting around on a waiting list so basically because I passed the exam now I just have to wait for them to activate my account within two to three business days and they will potentially ask me for a photo ID just to verify Who I am overall I don't think that this transcription test was extremely difficult it was a lot of work because you have three different transcription tasks and they're about I think it's four minutes each so that's 12 minutes of transcribing and it is a lot of work just make sure to go through the style guide so basically now that I've passed the exam I just have to wait until they activate my account and then I can start taking jobs and I will be doing a follow up tutorial in the next probably two weeks or less on how to accept jobs how to get started transcribing and making money with transcribe me if you've enjoyed this tutorial please follow to my website where I post tutorial s every week on how to make money online with different online platforms thanks for reading you 

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