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Two different ways that you can make money online by working from home. I have a playlist full of different types of micro jobs or micro tasks, tutorials where you get paid cents or small amounts of money to do small micro tasks. So I have a tutorial on micro workers click worker, micro work.io Pico workers. And now I want to do a tutorial on rapid workers which is most similar to Pico workers or micro workers. I was going to do a tutorial on this about a month ago and when I went on, I didn't really like any of the jobs they had available. It was a lot of signup ones, but since then I have seen a whole lot of different jobs come available, where you'll get paid cents for doing things like writing a comment or voting upvote on a comment and easy tasks that don't require you to have to sign in or get out your personal information. So we're going to go to rapid workers dot Calm, then we're going to click here on new member, sign up now.

So we're going to register right here:

Okay, so we're going to register right here, you're going to put in your name, your email, your password and your country. Okay, so they've got a few things here, they say don't use a VPN, having multiple accounts, you can't have, you can only have one account. And don't do any country jobs from a country that you're not from. So if the Job says USA only, they're telling you, they don't want you to use a VPN. So these are their rules. All of these will eventually get you banned. So they say don't make waste your time making another account. So we're going to put in our name and then put in your country and now you have to solve a little CAPTCHA. So we're going to agree to the above terms and conditions and click Create My Account. Okay, so it says your account has been created. The verification email was sent to your email address. Check your inbox and confirm the account by clicking the link in the email.

The verification link will be valid:

The verification link will be valid for 24 hours. So make sure to check your spam folder as well. So you should get a welcome to rapid workers email. And it will say before we can activate your account, you have to confirm your email address. So just make sure to click on the email activation link. And it will say congratulations, your account is now active and you are logged into rapid workers. Okay, so I just logged in for the first time into rapid workers. And so let me kind of explain what all of this means here. So at the top, we are opened up at available jobs which we can click here you can see there are all sorts of different jobs available. keep scrolling down, there's all sorts of different ones and we can organize this later depending on what we want to see. At the top here we can go to tasks I finished. So obviously I haven't done any tasks right now since I've just signed up. 

We've got my campaigns:

We've got my campaigns, campaigns would be if you are trying to hire workers yourself to do a task. So let's say you had a Facebook page and you wanted to get some likes or whatever, you know, you could have your own little job here, okay? Then we have my account. Here, you can change your password, you can subscribe to the newsletter letter or not, then we have deposit. Now this is if you wanted to deposit money into your account to hire workers. So don't do anything here. What we will want to do is go to withdraw. And this is for when we want to withdraw money that we make on rapid workers. So let's click on withdraw. They say we only do PayPal don't message us for something else. So unfortunately, if you're from a country that doesn't accept PayPal, rapid workers have no intention of changing they're only doing PayPal. So I would recommend you try Pico workers instead because they currently have PayPal Of course Litecoin Ethereum and they are working on scaling

I believe they are finding other options :

I believe they are finding other options for people to withdraw payment. Now it says here for withdrawal send to admin at rapid workers calm, you're going to have to put your email on this site, your PayPal email that you want the payment sent to, and your IP address under the last login info top right, your payment will be sent within 24 to 48 hours. It says here, you will need to fill the account page here before asking for a payment. So if we click on here, what you have to do is click Edit address. And then here you can fill out your information. I mean, if they're just sending it to your post, your PayPal email, I don't know why it is important, but I think this might just be to verify that you are from the country you're say you're from that you're not using a VPN. So I would recommend for this Don't try to use a VPN just be honest about it because you don't want them to ban your account. Especially if they find

Your IP address is one that is:

Your IP address is one that is, you know, used, commonly used in some sort of VPN. Okay, so let's go back now to available jobs. So at the top here, you can organize it by latest jobs. And these are just the most recent jobs and then also by most pain. So here you've got some that say $3 $1 55 $1 38. Now, I would be careful with some of these jobs. You can see a lot of these are featured. But some of these are wanting you to sign up to different websites. And obviously that means filling in some personal information and your email and whatnot. If you're comfortable with that, and you do your research and it seems like a safe or secure job, then Sure, go ahead but I personally prefer jobs that are less paying but you don't have to show my any information.

And here you can click on different:

And here you can click on different countries. So let's say you're from the USA and Canada. You to click on that, or you live in the USA in Canada. Now be careful when you click on target workers because for example, if I click on USA in Canada, nothing's popping up. But then if I just click on USA, I have all sorts of different jobs pop up. Or if I click on, you know, any one of these ones, there's certain jobs. So it's not this section isn't really organized that well, because you know, there are four here they for example, they have USA UK. So this will pop up one job, but it's not showing any of the other jobs. So you might just have to be a little careful with what you choose here. I would just leave it on target workers for now, just leave it there. And that way, you can sort of browse through everything and use the search bar here to search for jobs if you want. Now, here again you can look by payment, then we have time and this is the estimated time it will take you to complete the job. Then here we have done so this is how many have been completed out

Have the number of jobs:

Have the number of jobs. so here if we have nine jobs, six of them have been completed. Okay, so under job name, let's type in YouTube and see if there's any jobs here. Okay, great. So you can see a lot of these jobs we've got YouTube watch, like, subscribe easy tasks. Now, a lot of these are wanting people from the USA and they pay quite well like this one's 40 cents 40 cents. And obviously, if you're not from the USA, you can't do these jobs. So let's scroll down here. And you can see there's all sorts of international ones too. Unfortunately, they don't pay as well six cents, but this is better money than what I've seen on microworkers. Again, I have not done a withdrawal on rapid workers. So if you have experienced positive or negative experiences with this website, please share in the comments below. Because I have seen mixed reviews for all the different websites. I've seen people on micro workers who have have been paid and had no problems. And I've seen people who haven't gotten their money and you know with Pico workers the same even I think Pico workers is really improving every day with their platform. Okay, so let's look at this one, for example. Okay, so let's say I'm just going to click on this link here. This will pop up the job. Again, they'll tell you how much you earn. So you earn three cents, it'll take you less than five minutes to finish, you can do this from any country, what is expected from workers, open YouTube search, and then search for this keyword here that they put in quotations.

Okay, so once you've taken your proof :

Okay, so once you've taken your proof that you've done the task, we can go to prnt.sc. And this is a free tool that you can or a free website where you can upload an image that you want to share with the employer to show them that you finished the task. So we'll click Browse images and go to on your computer where you saved the proof image and upload your image here automatically and then it will give you this little link, you can just click it to copy it more to go to the link. Alright, I'm gonna click copy and then this link, I've got profiles way I waited till the end of the video to do a print screen and then also clicked like on the video. So now go back to the job. So then here I'm just going to right click and paste it because that's all he wants you to do is watch the full video like the video and that's it. Okay, so then I'm going to click I confirm that I have followed instructions and completed this task. Then it says thank you for finishing the job employer will review your tasks if you met requirements step by employer, you will get paid Okay, so now we can click on see tasks you finished. And now you can see that under these tasks I finished again you can go to this by clicking on this category here the tab you've got campaign YouTube video, watch three minutes plus like pending employer review

Okay, so then at the top here:

Okay, so then at the top here it says rate satisfied zero of zero. That's because no one has rated any of my tasks yet. But you so right now my success rate is zero percent. But you do need to maintain a 60% success rate at all times. So please don't do any tasks that you think you won't be able to get 100% because if you end up not, if you fall below this rate, then you are putting your account at risk and not being able to withdraw any money. So I recommend when you're searching for jobs to always start out just searching for simple jobs like YouTube. Maybe there's other ones that would be like vote, pays this one visit and vote. Then type in like and you can see some of these are just liking a comment or liking a video. There's all sorts of different jobs. Okay, I also want to go here and click on the FAQ which I found at the bottom of the page, we look at the FAQ.

Again, one account per user only:

Again, one account per user only, you can be an employer or worker with the same account. But you can only have one account. Okay? accepting a job. only accept jobs you think you're capable of fit finishing? If you think you cannot deliver the job or you can't read English, then don't do it. Don't accept a job and submit false proof. Okay? All right. So, withdrawals are done manually by contacting us via Support tab with your PayPal email. So what are the fees deposit PayPal fees example $10 deposit after fees is about $9 and 31 cents. Withdrawal fee is 6% PayPal. Some other frequently asked questions. My task is pending review for almost one week. All tasks pending review that are over six days old are automatically moved to satisfied. Okay, this is what I wanted to know if you scroll down here, it says withdrawals minimum payment payout is $8. So payment is sent via PayPal only. Okay, so let's

If I were to compare this website:

If I were to compare this website with microworkers, or Pico workers, I would say my favorite of all three is Pico workers is cleaner. They have their own uploading system where you can upload proof. And they have different options for withdrawing money. It just seems like a lot more safe and secure the website. Now this website seems a little bit more old school, I don't like the fact that you have to manually ask them for withdrawing your money, that kind of it just seems a little, a little strange, you're hoping that they're going to respond to you. I mean, they have lots of different tasks. And obviously, if you look here, you know, lots of people are doing these tasks here because you can see how many are done. So I don't think these people would continue working for this website if they weren't getting paid.

So that's just one observation:

So that's just one observation. And they do have a lot of different types of jobs that are social media related, so they're easy just sharing or liking or subscribing or commenting and things like that. So it's quite easy to accept a job and to complete the job. And it is laid out quite nicely even though it is a bit old fashioned the design of the website. But I do think that this website would be improved if they had an automatic withdrawal system where you didn't have to message or the owners of the website in order to get your money. But as long as you follow the steps, you know, really just 123 they will your email, your PayPal email and your IP address. And here they have the IP address right here. So you would literally just copy this IP address, you know, and then you've got number one, number two and number three, so it does seem pretty easy. 

Again, you have to have the minimum withdrawal of $8 the minimum payout so you know it is a bit of a risk you're taking because it's a quite a bit of money that you'd have to make before you can withdraw. So again, if you have success, either positive or negative, with Robin burgers, please share it with us here.

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