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How To Prevent Google ADs Click Fraud | SAVE $$

yo what is going on everybody shriek canasa here so how to prevent Google Ads click fraud now this is an extremely important thing because 99% of those people who use Google Shopping ads or just Google ads in general don't even know what Google ads click fraud is and this is one of the biggest things that is negatively impacting your performance when it comes to Google ads and this is actually something I just came to realize just recently and I immediately began to make changes to really prevent this from happening I can definitely say that this makes a big impact on whether you make any sales with your Shopify store or not so this is one tutorial  you're gonna want to read until the end but without wasting any more time let's just understand exactly what click-fraud is and how you can prevent click fraud with your shopping ads or search ads

so you don't become a victim of bad performance so exactly what is click fraud before we learn how to deal with it it is important for you to know exactly what click fraud is well click fraud is basically non-humans and there are a lot of specific things which qualify as non human and I'll be going over them very soon but not humans who are designed to click on your ads whether it is a shopping listing ad or a search ad to increase your at a cost and basically drive you out of business unfortunately this is a very immoral thing to do what a lot of dropshippers also participate with this and this is basically you knowing that your ecomp store owner and then when you specifically type in the search terms for a specific product or when you're doing product research you just go ahead and click on your competitors ads what happens is the competitor still gets charged for that specific click which you made but you know that you were not planning on buying that in the first place all you were doing is just trying to number one drive your competitor out of business or number two actually doing product research well the thing about this is Google has kind of over the years become very very familiar with this kind of fraud and it has become really smart at dealing with it but let's understand exactly what I mean by non human so there are a few criteria as to what qualifies as this so who exactly does this kind of click fraud well number one as I mentioned it's other dropshippers simply trying to increase the cost of their competitors or just doing product research and want to spy on their competitors but number

two and that is bots you guys won't believe it but a lot of BOTS participate in this kind of blackhat strategies and these bots are designed by other people specifically for these kinds of jobs and if you didn't know bots roughly take up 40% of the online space meaning right now whoever is online 40% of those people are currently BOTS this is kind of a fact which this causes people to go mind blown but this is the reality and a lot of these bots are actually designed to actually commit click-fraud and drive you out of business so it is really important for you to know exactly how to deal with it but along with bots there's one more type of people or an organization which does this and those are called clique farms it is basically a farm of a bunch of different electronic devices such as iPhones Androids etc just all packed together inside one space it could be inside a warehouse or a factory and what these phones are designed to do and they have automated software installed in them to do this but they're designed to just 24/7 go through different ads whether it's on Facebook on Google and just click on the ads to drive up the cost this seems kind of unreal but this is a fact this is done and it is called a click farm a lot of those organizations where they have a big budget often do this to get rid of all the small competition like those people especially who are drop shipping because they often don't have the budget to deal with this kind of stuff

so again that is why it's so important to be dealing with click-fraud correctly so that it doesn't happen constantly to you and it doesn't impact your performance but how do you exactly monitor click-fraud where can you even learn more about this well there is a specific section on your Google ads account where you can look at the columns for invalid clicks which are associated with click-fraud it is known as invalid click rate and the invalid clicks and you can set these up in the columns and the campaign level so let's go ahead and go on over to my Google Ads account and from here as you can see I'm currently on the campaign section from here I want to go ahead and go to columns and from columns I want to click on modify columns we will be choosing those specific columns which will show us more info and click fraud right in this section so once you're inside the column section you didn't want to go to performance from performance we want to choose two specific check boxes the first check box is for invalid clicks and if we hover over it it will tell us what exactly what this is so it says invalid clicks or clicks Google considers illegitimate and this is exactly referring to those people conducting click fraud and it says you're not charged for them and they don't affect your account statistics Google closely monitors for clicks such as these which may have been generated by repeated manual clicks or by automated tools robots or other deceptive software now now even though

Google continuously monitors them of course Google is still an algorithm it is a machine it cannot get it right a hundred percent of the time which is why you need to apply the solutions I'll be mentioning towards the end of the tutorial  but you want to go in and check this first box and you want to check the second box as well which is the invalid click rate basically it is associated with the amount of invalid clicks what you have you can also go ahead and specifically check these boxes over here which is invalid interactions and invalid interaction rate but I just like to keep these to check just to get a better idea of what the invalid click rate is and how many clicks I'm getting which are considered invalid so let's go and go on over to the right side so as you can see now these two specific sections have been added the invalid click section and invalid click rates section it gives us a lot of different information as you can see this Pacific at account that I'm on and this is one of my students at account but in total just for this month of January when I'm recording this tutorial  in 2020 this specific add account has add roughly 47 invalid clicks in total meaning there were 47 attempts of legitimate clicks to increase the add cost and drive my student out of business and also they know that click rate is around 3 percent meaning around 3 percent of all of the clicks that come for the specific ads currently run on this account are invalid so that's exactly how you can monitor them at the campaign level this gives you a general idea of which campaign is getting how many invalid clicks and it is super important to know exactly what these numbers are so that you can take some action to fix them but let's move on to the next section which is how do you even fix it what are the solutions well there are several solutions I'll be mentioning in this tutorial  the first one is to enable something called Auto tagging at the account settings level

so what do I mean by this exactly well let's go ahead and go on over to the Google Ads account from here on the out campaigns dashboard we want to go in and go on to the left side and click on settings from settings will be choosing account setting so as you can see it is the second option at the top which says account settings a lot of people will have this already checked but if you don't have this check make sure to open this section over here and make sure that this box is checked which says tagged the URL that people click through from my ad now what does this mean exactly well let's go ahead and go back and understand what that means basically what that is doing is it adds a special parameter to the end of every girl on your store and the products which are associated to the Google Shopping ads or the Google search ads so in essence all you need to really know is that this makes tracking more efficient for Google and makes it easier to really get rid of the invalid click rate and make sure the right traffic and the right people are coming in because again you don't want to waste your money on those kinds of people who didn't have any intentions of buying from you in the first place because if we'd go ahead and go back to the campaign section and see how many basically in total there were invalid clicks to understand how much it cost us so let's go ahead and see exactly how many clicks there were and what the average CPC was so there were roughly 47 invalid clicks in total for this month and the average cost of each click is roughly 35 Australian dollars if we change that to USD that is roughly 24 cents so let's open up the calculator and see exactly how much this cost us so 47 clicks add around 25 cents per click so that's 0.25 which equals 11 dollars and 75 cents now that does not seem like a lot but if we go ahead and change the time period to all-time and really get a better understanding of what this is costing us we can see that the number really exceeds how much we can really spend and by the way the tracking was not set up correctly which is why the conversion value and the cost is different in fact this store of my students has done roughly

seven thousand dollars in sales and it is profitable but there were a lot of issues with this specific store for the student but they were fixed once the student joined my mentoring program and if you're interested in getting one-on-one mentoring with Google at specifically DM me on instagram my instagram is a dedicated young but there were a total of 251 invalid clicks for this specific store and if we go ahead and do a little bit of more math 251 times 45 Australian dollars which is roughly 35 cent that equals to about 87 dollars in total so what I'm trying to say is that cost adds up over time especially if you don't really try to make this number lower I've seen accounts where this cost is all the way up to $400,000 just because those stores are high ticket stores so it is really important for you to make sure that this number is as low as possible but that is what you should be doing basically enable auto-tagging to make it kind of easier for Google to track all those invalid clicks the second I should be doing is basically when choosing the specific location for your Google campaigns make sure that under the location tab you choose people who live in this location what this will do is it will prevent people from other countries who may have been in the location which you're targeting for example people who are visiting a specific country from engaging in activities like these because from my own research what I found is that a lot of the overseas countries engage in this kind of blackhat activity specifically

China the click farms that I mentioned earlier are mostly taking place in China so China is very advanced they do things like these to stay ahead of the game but one thing I have not mentioned specifically is that you need to keep the rate of involved click rate below 10 percent this is the ideal amount that you want it to be below in order to really not spend too much money of course again despite doing everything that you possibly can you will find that you just cannot stop every invalid click from coming in that's just the reality of how it works no system is perfect but you really need to make sure that this percentage is below 10 to get the best bang out of your buck and make sure that you're not wasting too much money in the long run because you would rather have cumulate the money that has gone towards these invalid clicks towards the better portion of the clicks meaning the people who are actually real customers and are interested in your product but again make sure to enable auto tagging as I mentioned and another thing you can do which is a real solution to this is to make sure you choose people who live in this location but if you found any type of value in this tutorial  smash that like button and smash the follow button and I'll see you guys next time.

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